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Monday, July 19, 2010

Last time seeing the Shanghai night

Our last day in Shanghai...

We went to an extremely cute restaurant called Danbo Fun for lunch.
The decor and everything about the restaurant was so cute!

Outside seating at Danbo restaurantInside seatingSalad wrapped in eggSome devil-egg thing that wasn't devil egg lolSome pancake thing... forgot the name X_XIt was a pretty chill day today. We just went to see the Jing An Temple. It was so gold... like a gold piece from those jewellery stores XD.
We also passed by another cute store called Happy Lemon where they sold all these nice beverages for super low prices, haha.

Waiting for my drink and being stupidAt night, we went Nan Jing Dong Lu's river. There was a ridiculous number of people. So many people that you cannot walk without brushing against each other's shoulders. The view was so amazing, though. On one side, it looked like a fairy tale city, and on the other, it was like time travel to the modern-future city. We tried to take some pics... it was so hard to not have other people in the scene, haha.

Bye bye Shanghai.
Can't wait for Hong Kong XD

1 comment:

  1. post something from HK =D
    More update pls !

    BTW i saw one of your tiny cory which you thought were dead haha.


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